Mid summer is a good time to fertilize the garden. Some of the fertilizers at the store deplete the earth of nutrients and they also are packed in plastic so all the beneficial living micro organisms are dead. You can buy mature, but some is too hot and will burn your plants and may have rocks and seeds mixed in. Worm compost may have a few seeds but it is very rich. The worms aerate and clean out any toxins and break it down to make it a very good choice to fertilize.

I have used worm compost several ways this summer.

I have planted successive crops such as lettuce in my raised beds. If I’m replanting the whole bed, I will mix 1 cup of worm compost into each square foot of soil. If I’m just planting a few plants, then I will mix 1/2 to 1 cup in the backfill.

If you have an established bed that needs some nutrients, you can just “top dress” by adding a small shovel full of worm compost around the base of each plant.


If want want to make a liquid fertilizer then you can use the worm compost to make a “worm tea” – to water your plants.