
March 2022

Planting Tomato Seeds

2022-03-20T16:48:26+00:0020th Mar 2022|Gardening, Informational, Vertical Gardening|

There are  many things to think about when planting tomato seeds but it's not as complicated as I thought.  I planted my own last year and had great success.   WHERE TO PLANT   Just a space close to a window in the house.  Our window faces south so it doesn't get direct sunlight but [...]

August 2020

Using VermiCompost as Fertilizer

2022-03-14T02:55:37+00:0010th Aug 2020|Composting, Gardening, Informational|

Mid summer is a good time to fertilize the garden. Some of the fertilizers at the store deplete the earth of nutrients and they also are packed in plastic so all the beneficial living micro organisms are dead. You can buy mature, but some is too hot and will burn your plants and may have [...]

September 2017

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